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Shaina Clingempeel

deposition: wrongful death

my father was fine
three weeks before he died
(or so the doctors say)

not what happened
or why or anything
but Sorry

now they ask me
to craft a narrative—

was he a religious man
how many drinks
per week would you say
you were close (yes or no)
who was he to you—

he was a man of excess
Wake Up Little Susie played for weeks

& there were vegetable trays
& vegetable trays
because I said once I liked them

as a child, I groaned
but I dream of bright green

sport coats, shoes, ties
obscure words
too wide for their lines

deposition: wrongful deathmy father was finethree weeks before he died(or so the doctors say)not what happenedor why or anythingbut Sorrynow they ask meto craft a narrative—was he a religious manhow many drinksper week would you sayyou were close (yes or no)who was he to you—he was a man of excessWake Up Little Susie played for weeks& there were vegetable trays& vegetable traysbecause I said once I liked themas a child, I groanedbut I dream of bright greensport coats, shoes, tiesobscure wordstoo wide for their lines

childhood:     a box   I dust off in dreams

where I carry my questions        apologies

did I call enough             did you know you were sick
did I miss the signs        you were becoming
a better man       I meant to tell you
in the beginning             there are tulips              azalea petals
pine trees           in the beginning           everyone is here
in the backyard              everyone will always be here
in the backyard              in the beginning            in the homes
that house my history

SHAINA CLINGEMPEEL (she/her) is a Philadelphia-based poet who spends her time writing in local cafes. She has a poetry MFA from Sarah Lawrence College and owns a small book editing business, as well as a literary magazine called Cypress Review. Her poems can be found (or are forthcoming) in Coffin Bell, The Passionfruit Review, The Rupture, Free State Review, and many other places.

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